Complete Ecosystem

Any real-time data processing system deploys, one way or another, what we call an A3 (< aggregate | analyze | act >) Paradigm. Data is aggregated, stored, analyzed, and is acted upon. TimeBase offers an open-source ecosystem allowing to build an A3 model with market-winning performance and at a reasonable cost. You do not need to reinvent the wheel or re-code existing software. We offer ready-to-use technology and tools you can use right away and with minimum friction.

Grafana plugin JupyterHub Web Admin RTMath Tabix Timescale Web Gateway Kafka connector Kafka connector Data replication Crypto connectors

TimeBase offers a variety of Web, desktop, CLI tools and integrations with various data producers and downstream consumers. Even with TimeBase Community Edition, you get ready-to-go connectors with popular message brokers, databases, and data visualization and analysis tools like Apache Kafka, Grafana, Timescale, ClickHouse, PowerBI, Jupyter Notebook, AWS S3, QuickSight, Power BI, Tabix and we are constantly working on adding more. With products Enterprise Edition you also get 100+ data and trade connectors to various trading venues.

TiemBase offers advanced data modeling capabilities, serialization framework, and data schema migrators.

Well-documented and multi-language (C#/C++/Java/Python) API enables seamless communication and integration with TimeBase.

TimeBase can be deployed as Windows Service/CLI application or a Linux System Daemon. System documentation offers receipts for TimeBase deployment in Docker, Helm, Vagrant. Out-of-the-box maintenance, retention, and integration guides offer working solutions for quick and seamless product deployment with the technology of your choice.

Additional Information

  • Go to Architecture to view a TimeBase ecosystem diagram.
  • Go to Product Editions to see features available for Enterprise and Community product versions.
  • In Documentation, you can find API references, Tools user guides, integration guidelines, best practices, and other materials to quickly get on board with TimeBase.